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Who am I?

Tl;dr: I write and develop games & worlds.

How's it going? I'm Amaiguri most places on the internet. I'm a professional game writer and designer at Serenity Forge, but in my spare time - er, well, I also make games and write. I also draw, film, make dolls and languages, play ocarina, etc. You know how this goes. I make Things TM.


I've had a series of imaginary worlds for as long as I can remember and instead of them going away as I got older, they just got more elaborate. However, the ravages of time have progressively scattered my creations across the internet.


The goal of the Yssaia is to collect my disparate other projects and knowledge in one home - for both myself and all my Dearest Friends! A home where one can quietly learn about my world and maybe a little about our real one. Hopefully, you'll feel at home here too!

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