Professional Experience
"I make worlds that touch your heart!"
Statement of Intent
"When humans grow up, they don't stop playing -- their games just get more elaborate." Nothing could be more true for me: Where there was once Barbie Horse Adventure Mystery Ride, there is now The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Where there were pinecone wars with my friends, there is tri-weekly D&D with careful explorations of generational trauma and political intrigue. Games are the perfect place to practice the kinds of emotions too difficult in the real world.
Since graduating from playing games on my friends' couches with a Design degree in 2021, I've written databases full of player-facing text, collaborated with multidisciplinary teams to put the final polish on deliverables, and designed game systems that reflect the narratives being told for both tabletop and digital games. I've dipped my toe into marketing, content creation, production, and even linguistics! All the while, I've advocated for more accessible and creatively authentic experiences while balancing the needs of production and the core audience. Why? I want to make more empathetic games that truly resonate with their players.
Let me bring my storytelling skills to make your project into one that'll stand the test of time!
Fall 2017 - 2021
I attended DigiPen Institute of Technology. I learned to work with an interdisciplinary team, to communicate with a variety of personality types, to manage the heavy workload of several classes while maintaining my health, as well as design principles, coding languages, and project management.
Developing and designing games under severe artistic and technological constraints
Writing multifaceted and diverse characters, structuring plots, and maintaining a consistent writing schedule
Performed multicultural research, worldbuilding, linguistics, fictional languages (conlangs), & speculative biology
Time Management, Interdisciplinary Communication, Public Speaking, Self-Motivated Entrepreneurial Spirit
Experienced scripting in C# and Harlowe
Proficient in Unity, Unreal, Twine, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Maya, Adobe Audition, Musescore, Custom Engines, Microsoft (Word, Excel, Teams, etc.) Suite, Google (Documents, Sheets, Slides, etc.) Suite, various task-tracking software (e.g. Jira, Notion, Evernote, etc.) and various Source Control methods
Performed with the Suzuki Institute after ten years of classical piano training, disciplined for daily practice
Resourcefulness of handicraft, resulting in two feature-length films, one short film featuring handmade dolls, shot and edited in Photoshop. Also, an entire YouTube channel with 1500+ subscribers and 3000+ watch hours.
Primed for International Business with conversational Japanese and Spanish
Narrative/UX Designer for Serenity Forge LLC
October 2021 - July 2024
I created a rich storyworld within design and technical constraints.
I designed and implemented real-time, reactive narrative system and balanced for different target player demographics.
I authored and co-managed game documentation, databases, and dialogue.
I implemented levels and content in Unreal 5 and quickly mastered additional plugins.
I researched and advocated for the inclusion of disabled and marginalized groups, both in representation and in accessibility of gameplay.
I played, recorded, and analyzed daily playtests, formulated plans with leads to tackle known bugs and issues for multiple projects, including Homestead Arcana, Lisa, and (as of yet) Unannounced Projects.
June 2020Â - August 2020, June 2021 - August 2021
I collaborated on card balancing for Magic the Gathering and Spellslingers/Blitz which provided a less-enfranchised perspective on how cards work.
I designed card batches for 2 different MTG sets for ludonarrative fit while learning about common pitfalls of cardbuilding.
I designed, wrote the rules for, and playtested mini-games for MTG adjacent sets in 2-4 week turnarounds for quick but engaging little games.
I took initiative to shadow Dungeons and Dragons teams, co-wrote flavor text, and passed a design test to work on monster design. I also wrote the Trauma Survivor background in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.
At the end, I wrote, performed, and edited a short musical extravaganza to describe my experience working at Wizards of the Coast demonstrating my creativity, confidence, and reasonable risk-taking.
January 2021 - April 2021
Ordinarily, students need to take a course before they work as a TA but professor Eric Cagle believed I had enough expertise in TTRPGs already to TA and waived this requirement for my employment.
I advised and edited the adventures and TTRPGs of 6-8 students per night (ranging from those who never heard of TTRPGs to longtime fans of TTRPGs). This resulted in each student having 3 portfolio pieces at the end of the semester: A 20-page adventure in a pre-built system, a 20-page adventure in another student's TTRPG, and their own polished 40-page TTRPG.
May 2019 - July 2019
I edited 20 students' one-page-stories--both with them in-person and on paper--to improve their syntax, diction, and plot structure. This included both native English speakers and ESL students.
I also analyzed and explained the language and structure of stories and analytical texts to students during class lectures alongside the teacher to offer an additional perspective.
I also wrote 4 one-page short stories as an example to spark creativity, theory-crafting, and investigations into World War I battles.
January 2017 - June 2017
During my high-intensity hostess job, I maintained the happiness of the servers and customers by seating customers in seats optimized to suit both them and the servers' tip distribution. Simultaneously, I was taking and bagging To-Go orders, answering phone calls, scheduling reservations, keeping stock of bread, dressings, and boxes, and running the cash register.
Yssaia (Ongoing) -- Yssaia is a fantasy political drama worldbuilding multimedia project presented through games, art, videos, merchandising, and writing with 250k+ Word Manuscript Drafted, 2 Fully Released Games, 1 Free Game, 7 Constructed Fictional Languages with 2 Protolangs, realistically derived staple foods, environmentally-sensible fashion, musical styles, theatre history, and engineering practices for every culture, a Punk - Opera performance with interviews with both diegetic and non-diegetic behind - the - scenes documentaries, and an Ongoing YouTube Channel with over 1500 subscribers.
Unannounced Projects (Unreleased) -- My responsibilities for these narrative-focused games included: designing and implementing content that appealed to various player personas, researching modern methods of tracking player profiles, co-writing the world, lore, characters, and reactive narrative systems with the rest of the incredible three - person narrative team, daily playtesting and following up with leads of different disciplines to tackle known bugs and issues, and fine - tuning controls and systems to increase player immersion and engagement.
LISA: Definitive Edition (July 2023) -- I was called on for the last week of production to this absurdist post-apocalyptic RPG in order to ensure functionality for the whole of the final game on Playstation 5 and Xbox One. In this frantic week, I recorded and catalogued gameplay footage, tracked and wrote detailed reports on game-breaking bugs and crashes, and helped to optimize the new secret final boss to be sufficiently challenging for knowledgeable players without making it unbeatable to more casual fans. I additionally advanced company-client relationships through company events with the creator of Lisa.
Homestead Arcana (April 2023) -- For this narrative-focused, witchy farming sim with horror and stealth elements, I playtested daily and managed database of bugs and issues. I also iterated upon controls, mini-games, and level design. I additionally researched and advocated for accessibility settings to make it playable by a more diverse player base.
Magic Spellslingers (2021) -- I playtested, iterated and collaborated on, and wrote art briefs for the Magic Spellslingers digital trading card game.
Magic: The Gathering® Minigames (2021) -- I playtested a handful of cards from (at the time) unreleased sets as well as designed, wrote, and playtested the Magic: The Gathering® Minigame called "Magic and Minions."
Dungeons & Dragons (2021) -- Under the tutorship of Chris Perkins and Taymoor Rehman, I studied, wrote, and edited flavor text for the trinkets The Wild Beyond the Witchlight and Curse of Strahd: Revamped Premium Edition.
Something Wicked This Way Rides (April 2021) - A 23k-word World Guide about imperialism, evolving technology, and power in an alternate version of the Wild West with devils and bone-witches. I wrote, edited, and updated the document to ever-evolving specifications and pitched the final product to other industry professionals.
Heart of the Philosopher (December 2020) - I wrote the first three routes of this six-route Philosopher Dating Sim, resulting in 18k words of wholesome relationships between the female AI Philosopher King and her guardians Ptahottep, Nietzsche, and Diogenes, with Plato, Kant, and Laozi as side characters.
Mafiosos of Madness (December 2020) - An RPG-lite co-op game for 1-4 players in a Mafia/Gothic-Horror inspired setting. In the process of creating this game, I balanced character creation, enemies, and event cards to offer a mild challenge and some strategic options—appealing to a target audience of people who like TTRPGs but likely lack the time to actually set them up and play them.
Ricocheteers/Origins (December 2020) - A Reigns-like, Tinder-inspired Nation-management game. I created, iterated upon, and balanced the 47-cards for a difficult experience you were guaranteed to lose on the first run of this rogue-like system while improving the players' chances of winning over time as the protagonist grew more hopeful. I also programmed and drew the pixel art for the game. Within the limited work capacity and resources of this two-man team, I iterated upon the narrative until there was a clear engagement arc beginning in despair and ending in hope.
Re: Ricocheteers (December 2020) - A hack-n-slash remake of Ricocheteers (2019). I focused on the narrative of this solo-project, and wrote and implemented the dialogue and cutscenes for this action-oriented, anime-inspired fantasy World War I setting with a strong, diverse cast. I also designed and implemented the combat, enemy AI, levels, and UI/UX.
Little Burned Maiden (August 2020) - My first professional and commercial release. I wrote all dialogue & text to fashion deep, engaging experience within a limited technical framework. I developed distinct characters and consistent worldbuilding to create both virally memetic and philosophical moments. I implemented all of the programming, art, and sound. My social media marketing campaign sold 40+ copies—meeting predicted lifetime sales based on market research—within the first month.
The Monument (April 2020) - I organized tasks for the multidisciplinary 16-person team using a scrum board to meet submission deadlines for this action-adventure game. I also wrote and tested 6 of the 9 core scenes in both Twine and screenplay format to maximize their emotional impact.
Demon in the Circus (December 2019) - A language-learning game about convincing a demon girl who does not speak English to dance in your circus. I taught myself the basics of chatbot design as well as showcased a Conlang I designed.
Endrest (April 2019) - A 2D horror/puzzle game about a man returning to Endrest Estate to put down the ghosts of his pasts with a magic lantern. I designed the overall engagement arc of this horror game, including enemy encounters, story, and puzzle design, to be within the scope of the 10-minute experience and implemented all 11 levels in our custom engine.
Ricocheteers (March 2019) - An action-strategy hybrid. I built this game from the ground up by myself--designing, programming, art and sound design. I balanced the design and injected as much flavor and story as I could manage within the 5-minute time limit. I taught myself to program a turn-based system so the game would function.
SeaSong (April 2018) - A two-player QWOPerative game about sailors restoring the protections of an island through music. I taught myself C# scripting in Unity during the 3-month period we had to build the game and created a functional project by the end of it. Further, I wrote and animated the opening and closing scenes of the game to tell the story in a coherent manner.
Auri (April 2018) - A two-player, co-op board game about returning the magical jellyfish Auri to the sea. I researched the target demographic, designed the game, and crafted the components by hand.
Faustian Maze (February 2018) - A two-player, competitive board game in which players must act as rules lawyers to navigate a maze using a devilish contract. This was an individual project.
The Remedy (January 2018) - A 2-3 player game with only 2 types of cards--poison and remedy. The players had to trade cards in lethal enough dosages to kill the other players. This was an individual project.
A Girl and Her Shield (December 2017) - A 2-minute dark rhythm game about a girl and her shield. This was a solo-project in which I taught myself to script in Zilch in the proprietary engine of the school in order to build the game. I also designed the game's difficulty curve, managing it to be learned and beaten in minutes to fit the project requirements.
Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 6th World Campaign Setting (January 2017) - I wrote a 157-page document detailing a new campaign setting--including 7 races, the geography, history, climate, cultures, and stereotypes of said races, and spellcasting-adjustments to fit the setting--for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e with a full rebalance of the core classes, two all-new classes, and 55 new feats. I then proceeded to run a 2-year long campaign to test and adjust these changes.