If you have followed my work for more than about 2 seconds, you'll notice I have a bit of an obsession with humanoid demons, particularly demon girls. It may seem juvenile, but I appreciate the symbol of the demon girl--the girl who is barely concealing dangerous power, always on the verge of falling into terrible, instinctual bestial nature and insanity. The girl who restrains herself in the face of her nature, and yet she cannot hide who she is and society hates and fears her for this. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. What is the correct choice for such a girl? Different artistic works have different answers.
This is one of my answers, as well as my first attempt at writing something in a screenplay style. I understand to truly achieve screenplay formatting, I could not simply use the format of this website, so please cut me some slack here. Consider this more an exploration of the kind of language one can and must use when they expect their work will be reworked into a primarily visual medium.
A silvery, sleek train sits in station with Gothic arches, dimly lit with a teal lights. People with pale skin, wearing crisp, immaculate white and light grey tailcoats, cross before the open door.
XIMIA walks into the train. Bound in silver shackles on her warmer skin--her legs, her ankles, and a thick silver bar hides her lips. The bar is hooked behind her ears, and it looks like it would prevent her from eating. She is a young woman with long, straight black hair, black sclera, and golden eyes. She wears a black hoodie and flowing skirt.
A pointedly blue-eyed ATTENDANT looks her over warily as he takes her ticket and allows her onto the train.
XIMIA steps into the train to the stares of the six people aboard. The door closes behind her with the hush of compressed air. She goes to sit.
Distantly, a newscaster speaks announcements over a radio into the train.
...a demonspawn girl the only survivor of the attack on the Abbey. There is some speculation that SHE is the cause of the 27 deaths, including Father Sindrius...
The people in white with their sharp, clean clothes turn to their phones nervously. We can hear her heartbeat and harsh, beastlike breathing as her eyes dart between them. She gets up and goes to sit at the end of the train to avoid their eyes.
Is that her?
Hush, sweetling...
XIMIA pulls her hood up and tries to make herself small and unnoticeable.
The doors sweep open and closed again. Heels click on the linoleum floor as a older woman in a black, bodycon dress and a white tailcoat walks in--CATTLEYA. She also has warmer skin, much like XIMIA, but her dark hair is short and cut off in feathery spikes. She carries a bottle in a paper bag and smiles with bright, red lips.
CATTLEYA smiles brightly at XIMIA as she approaches, fangs flashing. XIMIA nods in acknowledgement but doesn't smile--or if she does, it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
Hey there, cutie! I'm gonna sit here. You okay with that?
XIMIA moves over but looks out the window pointedly, trying not to make a fuss. CATTLEYA slides into the seat and slouches, losing all semblance of lady-like grace. She drinks deeply and wraps an arm around XIMIA. XIMIA shifts, uncomfortably.
(Offering the bottle)
You want some?
XIMIA shakes her head, looking around warily still. The MOTHER seems to be calling law enforcement in the background--but she is covering her mouth and whispering. She pushes her arm off and tries to slide further into the wall. XIMIA watches this with great concern.
Can't? That sucks. I was Inquisited once. Didn't go so well for the Inquisitor, if you know what I mean. He couldn't walk for weeks afterwards! Man, this is the shit! This is great. Are you sure you don't want some? Orphan's tears are just the thing to calm you after a long day.
XIMIA shakes her head worriedly as CATTLEYA takes another swig, sighing in satisfaction. XIMIA stands and tries to move away from the loud, seemingly drunk woman.
(Calling after)
Hey, where are you going? We're just getting friendly here!
The people in the rest of the car watch with reactions ranging from horror to disapproval. XIMIA slides into a new seat, shaking her head and trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Trying to show she doesn't know this woman. CATTLEYA doesn't take "No" for an answer, gets up, and follows.
Hey, where are you going, honeypie? We're just getting friendly here!
XIMIA growls as CATTLEYA starts to approach her. CATTLEYA backs up.
Whoa! Watch it, sweetheart, I don't bite. I just wanna talk... Wait a sec, you're the girl! You're the one from the-- (Unspoken: News Report)
XIMIA hisses and points to the back to the train--unable to speak or bite. Her eyes flashing red. People on the train gasp. CATTLEYA raises her hands in surrender and goes to the back of the train, slumps back down. XIMIA glances back at the people making the calls. They hang up. The MOTHER reassures her child, holding her close.
The train comes to a stop and XIMIA goes for the door, hugging herself. But she's stopped when two armored TEMPLARS in gleaming silver helms burst through the doors--each bearing a baton sizzling with teal blue energy. Their faces are obscured by the glow of their helmets with halo-like rings in the top. XIMIA steps to one side as they ignore her, going for CATTLEYA. One more stands in the door.
CATTLEYA ignores them, taking a deep swig, but XIMIA side eyes the TEMPLARS. Heartbeat and breathing grows rougher.
Excuse me, Ma'am, what are you drinking?
With all due respect, Sir Templar, go fuck yourself. I haven't done anything wrong.
Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to hand that over.
(Speaking over him)
It's not orphan's tears, obviously! Is that what these shitheads told you? I don't milk babies for tears. It's just apple juice.
(Speaking over her)
Public intoxication is a crime under Provision 19, Section 26 of the Delvarus Codex.
CATTLEYA stands up as she yells back at them. XIMIA leans away and watches, her breath grows harsh.
(Speaking over both of them)
You don't have a warrant and I'm not drunk! I'm not drunk!
(Yelling as he approaches)
Give me the bottle! Give me the bottle!
The second TEMPLAR grabs her wrist but she pushes him back. He lets her go and smashes the bottle into the wall with a baton. A glass shard with a label clearly showing that the yellow liquid inside is apple juice.
That's enough. You're under arrest.
What for?
She guards her face with her hands with the weight of an experienced scrapper. She shows her palms. Even so, the Templars continue to yell.
Causing a public disturbance! Put your hands up!
You're the one causing a public disturbance! You don't even have a warrant!
(Bellowing over her)
Hands up! Hands above your head!
(Screaming back)
They're up!
She's resisting arrest!
The TEMPLARS swing at her. Her eyes glow red as she snatches the baton from the first one and uses to to smash the baton from the second. They back up warily but she just tosses them to the side. One TEMPLAR goes to grab her but she twists and slams him into the wall.
STOP! Alright? Listen, shithead, I'm not hurting nobody here. You're the ones making this into a scene.
Drop him! Drop him now!
The unrestrained Templar recovers a baton and clocks her in the back of the legs as it sizzles with teal light. She drops, convulsing. The Templars begin to kick her into the ground with their heels and take turns cracking batons over her as she screams and guards her head.
All the while, XIMIA stares. The sound of the heartbeat overtakes her as she watches. Her eyes shift between the frightened people in white, cowering at the other end of the car, and the woman being beaten into the ground.
She stands as the sound comes back into focus. Her eyes flash crimson--brighter than even CATTLEYA . She prowls forward and catches the next baton crack with her silver restraints--protecting CATTLEYA --and then elbows the TEMPLAR in the face. The other starts towards her but she takes his head and slams it into the train wall again and again and again. His grunts in pain until he doesn't. CATTLEYA crawls away, facing XIMIA still. Panting. Afraid.
XIMIA stops and lets the man slump to the ground. She offers her hands to help CATTLEYA up. CATTLEYA brushes the glass from her hands and takes XIMIA's offer.
As the other TEMPLAR attempts to get up, XIMIA bolts with CATTLEYA behind her--out into the station and into the street.
EXT. Public Street - Night
XIMIA leads CATTLEYA through a bustling street, past squeaking and gasping people. The teal, unnatural lights follow them as the TEMPLARS call for them to stop. They turn and duck into a dark alleyway. The crowd tries to part for the TEMPLARS but is very busy.
EXT. Dark Alleyway - NIGHT
The two women burst into a maze-like alleyway, deeper into the heart of this metropolis. Crisscrossing walkways overhead render the cluttered concrete path exceedingly dark. Almost pitch black. XIMIA must run her hands along the wall to navigate. They slow. Panting. Taking stock of what has happened.
With a flicker, CATTLEYA ignites a lighter in her hand. It provides a small, reddish warm light. XIMIA turns to face her. They stare at each other wordlessly. CATTLEYA seems to want to say something. She finally manages to speak. Her voice is not slurred as it once was.
You really are the demonspawn girl from the news... You probably didn't want any of that.
XIMIA nods. She turns and smashes restraints on the wall. Once. Twice. Off. They clatter. CATTLEYA approaches closer, reaches up, and helps remove the metal bar from her mouth. She drops it to the floor with a clang. XIMIA rubs her jaw and then smiles for the first time. Amazed that she's broken out of her bonds. She laughs.
You're very... forward about being a demon.
'Course I am! How can I be anything but what I am?
There aren't many who'd agree with you.
There aren't. But now you've got the taste for it, don't you? We'll, uh... have to make a thing of it, hm?
XIMIA shakes her head, but she's smiling. Her fangs fully show in her smile. CATTLEYA holds the light closer to try to see her.
You got a name?
XIMIA begins to rummage in her pockets until she too pulls out a lighter. She tries to flick it on but she can't.
Ximia? Well, Ximia... Cattleya. Thanks for getting me outta there.
XIMIA gives up and just holds up the light with the gas flowing. CATTLEYA passes her the flame and both their faces are lit with the warm, little light. They smile, eyes locked.
No... thank you.